Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 17-19: EO and Pot-Limit Hold 'em

On Wednesday, I showed up to work at 9:30AM, but Amanda, the dealer coordinator, hadn't received my shift change form, so she had no idea that I was coming.  She sent the other six dealers on the shift to work single table satellites, which was the assignment that I was hoping for.  She didn't have any more satellite spots available, so she tried to get me onto the mega satellite that had started earlier.  But they broke the table as I was going to push in, so I was sent to cash again.  When I found out that I was going to cash I put my name on the EO (Early Off) list.  I had a deadspread first (no players to deal to) and then moved to $5/$10 Big-O High/Low again.  I actually did okay there, but I was still happy to get my EO after leaving the table.

I went home and watched "The Fighter" with my roommates Matt and Marc.  Good movie.  Then Marc and I went to Green Valley Ranch to play in the HORSE tournament.  There were 29 players and it paid five.  I bubbled in 6th, but Marc took it down!  I was doing great, but on the final table I couldn't catch a break.  I called a raise in Stud Hi/Low with Q [6 5] and caught the 4 and 2  to have a beautiful low draw and dangerous high draw with two cards to come.  The low draw was especially nice because nobody had more than one card under my six on their board, and I hadn't seen any threes yet at all.  Sixth and seventh streets came 10 and 9 to totally bust my hand, and cost me most of my stack.

Later, I had A 2 4K in Omaha High/Low and I raised.  The board came 8 5 4 2 on the turn, counterfeiting my great low draw, so I folded to the substantial action.  The 3 hit the river, which would have made me the nut low, and nobody had an ace which would have quartered me.  I was pissed even though I had made the right play.  Someone else had 7-6 for a higher straight so I hadn't thrown away the whole pot at least.  Marc busted me out on the next hand when I raised for the rest of my chips on his big blind with A 4 6 K, but the board came high and gave Marc a full house.  He felt pretty bad about it, but I told him not to sweat it.

On Thursday, I dealt the $1,500 Pot-Limit Hold 'em event.  I got a great draw, Table 7, which guaranteed that I would deal the tournament all day!  Of course it happened in a Pot-Limit event, which is exhausting to deal, but I was happy anyway because I would always rather deal tournaments than cash.  My first table had Antonio Esfandiari on it and he seemed like a really nice guy.  A couple players at the table asked for his autograph and he granted both of their requests enthusiastically.  Dean Hamrick and Steve Gee, bracelet winner at the 2010 WSOP, and the pro who came to our dealer fundraiser tournament in Sacramento, were at the table as well.  Rough draw for the other six guys!

Later I dealt to Bradley Craig, who in 2009 was down to 400 chips on day one of the Main Event and came back to finish in 50th place.  I also bad beat Nicolay Evdakov out of the tournament.  He had Q-Q against A-9 and I put out a board of A-9-4-A-J.  I also dealt to James Carroll and Alessio Isaia.  I only knew Isaia because I saw his picture after getting home later, but he had a mountain of chips.

One funny thing happened early in the tournament.  The blinds were 25/50 and three players limped in.  Another player then raised to 225.  Then a younger guy slid his entire stack of 4,500 chips forward, attempting to move all-in.  I announced the amount of the bet as 900; remember this is Pot-Limit!  The first raiser laughed and said to him, "You signed up for the wrong tournament, dude!"  The table got a good laugh out of it and the young guy laughed too and said "I forgot we were playing Pot-Limit."  I ended up dealing 13 downs, which was three more than my previous high!  I was pretty stoked because we earn $15-$20 a down on top of our normal hourly rate.  Pretty sweet day.

I'm off today, so Matt and I went to the breakfast buffet at South Point, and then to Spinnetis, which is a gaming supply store.  They have tons of cards, chips, tables, and other things for pretty cheap.  I'm probably just going to relax the rest of the day.  It sounds like a nice change.  The weekend will be busy at work.  Saturday is another $1,500 No-Limit and Sunday is another $1,000 No-Limit.  We should see a couple of giant fields again.  Monday is $1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha, which will be exhausting no doubt.  I'm off Tuesday, when Paul and Amy will be out here.  Paul and I are planning to crush the $75 Orleans tournament!

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